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Posted 9 months ago

You roll a pair of fair six-sided dice. The sample space of 36 possible outcomes is shown below. Based on this information, answer the following questions.

What is P(A)P(A), the probability that the first die is a 5 ? \qquad
What is P(B)P(B), the probability that the second die is a 3 ? \qquad
What is P(AP(A and B)B), the probability that the first die is a 5 and the second die is a 3 ? \square
What is P(BA)P(B \mid A), the conditional probability that the second die is a 3 given that the first die is a 5 ? \square
Is P(BA)=P(B)P(B \mid A)=P(B) ? Are the events AA and BB independent?
Choose all answers that apply:
A Yes, P(BA)=P(B)P(B \mid A)=P(B).
B No, P(BA)P(B)P(B \mid A) \neq P(B).
c. Yes, events AA and BB are independent events.

Do, events AA and BB are not independent events.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To find P(A)P(A), the probability that the first die is a 5, we note that there are 6 possible outcomes for the first die, and only one of these outcomes is a 5. Therefore, P(A)=16P(A) = \frac{1}{6}
step 2
To find P(B)P(B), the probability that the second die is a 3, we note that there are 6 possible outcomes for the second die, and only one of these outcomes is a 3. Therefore, P(B)=16P(B) = \frac{1}{6}
step 3
To find P(A and B)P(A \text{ and } B), the probability that the first die is a 5 and the second die is a 3, we note that there is only one outcome where the first die is a 5 and the second die is a 3 out of the 36 possible outcomes. Therefore, P(A and B)=136P(A \text{ and } B) = \frac{1}{36}
step 4
To find P(BA)P(B \mid A), the conditional probability that the second die is a 3 given that the first die is a 5, we use the formula for conditional probability: P(BA)=P(A and B)P(A)=13616=16P(B \mid A) = \frac{P(A \text{ and } B)}{P(A)} = \frac{\frac{1}{36}}{\frac{1}{6}} = \frac{1}{6}
step 5
To determine if P(BA)=P(B)P(B \mid A) = P(B), we compare the two probabilities. We have P(BA)=16P(B \mid A) = \frac{1}{6} and P(B)=16P(B) = \frac{1}{6}. Since P(BA)=P(B)P(B \mid A) = P(B), the events AA and BB are independent
Key Concept
Independence of Events
Two events AA and BB are independent if and only if P(BA)=P(B)P(B \mid A) = P(B).

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