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Posted 6 months ago
Why is a differential WBC count more valuable than a total WBC count when trying to determine the specific source ofpathology?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 6 months ago
A differential WBC count is more valuable than a total WBC count when trying to determine the specific source of pathology.
Specificity: A differential WBC count provides detailed information about the proportions of different types of white blood cells (e.g., neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils). This specificity helps in identifying the type of infection or disease
Diagnostic Value: Different types of white blood cells are associated with different types of infections or conditions. For example, an increase in neutrophils often indicates a bacterial infection, while an increase in lymphocytes may suggest a viral infection
Key Concept
Differential WBC count provides detailed information about the proportions of different types of white blood cells.
This detailed information helps in identifying the type of infection or disease, making it more valuable than a total WBC count.

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