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Posted 6 months ago

The table below contains costs incurred by Fantabulous Enterprises, Inc., but some values are missing. Assume that the quantity where average total cost is minimized is a whole number and included in this table.
Quantity & Variable costs & Total Costs & Marginal costs & Average total costs \\
\hline 0 & & $100\$ 100 & & \\
1 & & $279\$ 279 & $179\$ 179 & $279\$ 279 \\
2 & $320\$ 320 & $420\$ 420 & $141\$ 141 & $210\$ 210 \\
3 & $447\$ 447 & $547\$ 547 & $127\$ 127 & $182\$ 182 \\
4 & $584\$ 584 & & $137\$ 137 & $173\$ 173 \\
5 & $755\$ 755 & $855\$ 855 & & $171\$ 171 \\
6 & & $1084\$ 1084 & $229\$ 229 & $180\$ 180 \\
7 & $1295\$ 1295 & $1395\$ 1395 & $311\$ 311 & $200\$ 200

What is this firm's marginal cost of producing the fifth unit of output?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) $137\$ 137
(B) This cannot be determined based on the information given.
(C) $171\$ 171
(D) $100\$ 100
() $311\$ 311
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Answer from Sia
Posted 6 months ago
Marginal Cost Calculation: Marginal cost (MC) is the increase in total cost when one additional unit is produced
Using the Data: To find the MC of the fifth unit, subtract the total cost of producing four units from the total cost of producing five units
Mathematical Expression: MC = TC_5 - TC_4, where TC_5 is the total cost of producing 5 units and TC_4 is the total cost of producing 4 units
Given Data: TC_5 = $855, TC_4 is not given directly but can be calculated as TC_3 + MC_4
Calculate TC_4: TC_3 = 547,MC4=547, MC_4 = 137, so TC_4 = TC_3 + MC_4 = 547+547 + 137 = $684
Calculate MC_5: MC_5 = TC_5 - TC_4 = 855855 - 684 = $171
Key Concept
Marginal cost is the additional cost of producing one more unit of output.
The marginal cost of producing the fifth unit is calculated by the change in total cost when moving from four to five units of output.

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