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World History
Posted 11 months ago
How did Hitler use anti-Semitism to increase his power?
○ c.
He gained the support of Germans with disabilities because of the Jews' belief that people could only be strong if they were "pure."
He convinced Germans that Jews were responsible for the failure of the National Socialist movement.
He caused Germans' belief that Jews were a threat to national security because they did not believe in domination of the world.
He fed German belief that Jews were responsible for the loss of World War I, which caused the ills of the country.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 11 months ago
Here is your solution:

Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party used anti-Semitism as a central ideological tool to consolidate power in Germany. By scapegoating Jews for Germany's economic woes and the loss of World War I, Hitler was able to unify a significant portion of the German population under a common enemy. This tactic diverted attention from the actual complexities of Germany's problems and created a sense of unity among non-Jewish Germans.

The Nazis propagated the myth of the "stab-in-the-back" (Dolchstoßlegende), which claimed that Germany had not lost World War I on the battlefield but had been betrayed by civilians on the home front, particularly Jews and communists. This narrative was used to fuel nationalistic fervor and resentment towards the Jewish population.

Hitler's rhetoric also played on long-standing anti-Semitic stereotypes, suggesting that Jews were a corrupting influence on society and that they were involved in a conspiracy to control the world, which played into fears of national and racial purity. The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 institutionalized racial discrimination against Jews, further entrenching anti-Semitism in German society and law.

The Nazis' T4 program, which targeted individuals with disabilities for euthanasia, was justified by the regime's belief in eugenics and the need to purify the Aryan race, not by Jewish beliefs. This program was not designed to gain support from Germans with disabilities but rather was part of the broader Nazi policy of racial hygiene.
The correct answer is: He fed German belief that Jews were responsible for the loss of World War I, which caused the ills of the country.
Key Concept
Anti-Semitism was a central tenet of Nazi ideology and was used to consolidate power by unifying the population against a common enemy and justifying the regime's policies.
Hitler's use of anti-Semitism to increase his power involved manipulating public opinion to blame Jews for Germany's problems, particularly the loss of World War I, which was a significant factor in the Nazis' rise to power.

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