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Posted 6 months ago

A female fruit fly, homozygous for red eye color and heterozygous for wing shape, is bred with a white-eyed male who is heterozygous for wings. complete a dihybrid cross punnett square below showing the possible offsprings of this cross. Also give the genotypes and phenotypes of the F1 generation along the probability of obtaining each.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 6 months ago
The F1 generation will have a variety of genotypes and phenotypes with different probabilities for red or white eye color and normal or vestigial wings.
Identify the alleles for each gene: Red eye color in fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) is dominant (R) and white eye color is recessive (r). Normal wings are dominant (W) and vestigial wings are recessive (w). The female fruit fly is homozygous for red eye color (RR) and heterozygous for wing shape (Ww). The male fruit fly is white-eyed (rr) and heterozygous for wing shape (Ww)
Determine the gametes: The female can produce RW and Rw gametes. The male can produce rW and rw gametes
Set up the Punnett square: The Punnett square will have four rows and four columns, representing the possible combinations of the female's and male's gametes
Fill in the Punnett square: Each cell within the Punnett square represents a possible genotype of the F1 offspring
Calculate genotypic ratios: The genotypic ratio for the F1 generation can be determined by counting the number of times each genotype appears in the Punnett square
Determine phenotypic ratios: The phenotypic ratio for the F1 generation can be determined by counting the number of offspring with each phenotype (red eyes with normal wings, red eyes with vestigial wings, white eyes with normal wings, white eyes with vestigial wings)
Calculate the probability of each phenotype: The probability of each phenotype is calculated by dividing the number of offspring with that phenotype by the total number of offspring
Key Concept
Dihybrid cross involves two traits and can be analyzed using a Punnett square to predict the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of offspring.
In a dihybrid cross, each parent can produce four types of gametes. The Punnett square shows all possible combinations of these gametes, allowing us to calculate the genotypic and phenotypic ratios and the probability of each phenotype in the F1 generation.

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